
Mangaconnect (English)

Hello, otakus! The creators of Mangaconnect have asked us if we are willing to spread the information about their web page throughout Europe. Therefore, we have decided to write this short article, which is actually just something they wrote about themselves. This article can be found on our blog in three different languages - English, Slovene and German. Well, enough of the talk. Let us take a look what the creators wrote about Mangaconnect.

Mangaconnect aims to be the first in the world crowdfunding platform focused entirely on manga. It will be a great way to support manga projects, empower creators and help fans all over the world get better access to original and limited manga content. The projects on Mangaconnect will be brought to life through the direct support of manga fans like you!

What is Manga?
Manga is a unique style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels that covers a variety of topics and is read by adults as well as children. The fantasy world of manga novels gives readers a 'break from reality' and develops their imagination. Characters and stories really come to live, creating an amazing symbiosis of visual art and endless emotions.

Who is Mangaconnect for?
Mangaconenct is for manga creators (mangaka) and manga fans alike, as well as for anybody interested in Japan, Japanese culture or manga art. Everybody can join us and be a member of this emerging community. There are no criteria for who can start a project on Mangaconnect. As long as you want to turn your manga idea into reality, you are more than welcome to join!

How does Mangaconnect work?
Starting a project on Mangaconnect will be completely free! If the project is successful and reaches its goal, the creator will keep 91% of all raised funds. We understand and value the hard work and dedication every manga creator puts into developing their story. That is why we are going to support mangaka as much as we can along the way. Mangaconnect will promote the projects and connect creators with millions of fans around the world.

Who are we?
We are bunch of manga enthusiasts residing in the center of manga culture - Tokyo. We live just 3 blocks away from the venue where all manga dreams come true - Comiket. We are developing Mangaconnect into a world-class platform that provides original and limited manga content!

What are we going to use the raised funds on?
Our platform is still under development so we want to speed up the process by investing the gathered funds into web-site development and marketing. We want to release our fully-functional version of the website before the biggest manga fair in the world - Comiket. The 86th Comic market is going to take place on 15th, 16th and 17th August in Tokyo, Japan.

If you want to financially support the Mangaconnect project, then visit the crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo, and check out the attached video and the link to the official page below.

And that's all there is to it. See you all in the manga world!

Source: IndieGoGo

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