
Comic and Social Games Fair Anime' 2014 (English)

Thus far, all the news about this fair was dedicated only to our Slovene readers, but since there is less than a week to the event, we have decided to share the news also in English, so those who do not understand Slovene would get the necessary information.

In short, Comic and Games Fair Anime’ is an annual comic, manga, anime, cosplay, tabletop and video games fair meant for all geeks and otakus in Slovenia and surrounding countries. It is organised by Društvo ljubiteljev animiranih filmov, stripov in družabnih iger Animov, an organisation of geeks and gamers stationed in Izola, Slovenia. This is the second year the fair is being organised.
This year’s Comic and Games Fair Anime’ 2014 will take place on Saturday, August 16, from 10:00 to 23:00 in Primary School Dante Alighieri in Izola, Slovenia. If you want to know the exact location, you can look it up on the map below.

 Primary School Dante Alighieri

You might want to know what the fair has to offer. First of all, there will be quite a few stands where you can buy manga and anime merchandise, tabletop games, and get to know some artists from Italy and different clubs or organisations associated with Japanese culture in Slovenia. Furthermore, there will also be interesting competitions with neat prizes, among them Memory, Magic the Gathering, Connect Four, Anime Quiz, Throwing Papercraft Planes, Cosplay Competition, Anime Football, etc. In addition, there will also be a few exhibitions like Cosplay Italy, Video Game Collections, Plastic Models Collection and From E to G by Erika Gregorič. Other things on the event will be a lottery and a comic library where you will be able to get some reading time.
You can get more information about the fair on the main website of the organisation as well as its Facebook page. The information is mostly in Slovene, at some points also Italian. I saved the most important information for the last. There is no entrance fee, which means that the whole event is free for everyone to visit.

Društvo ljubiteljev animiranih filmov, stripov in družabnih iger Animov is happy to invite you at their fair and hope that you will able to attend. See you there.

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